A synopsis of current events:
- All of the octopi in the garden except one ( who I will from now on refer to as "Lovely Rita") have succumbed to whatever it is (anemone, disease, hunger, water temperature?) that suddenly started claiming them a few weeks back. I tried feeding them and rescued the biggest one from an anemone, but the attrition rate has been cruel.
- Lovely Rita hasn't taken food in five days...
- My hair is growing back pretty fast. But I might just shave it all off again. It's an easy thing to wake up, get out of bed just wash my face/bare scalp, brush my toofs, and walk out the door.
- I wake up at around 0330 most hard days/nights lately, then try to fall back to sleep. I'm only sleeping, or trying to sleep. Usually I succeed in falling back to sleep, but last night I didn't and all I wanted was a nap today.
- All day.
- TRAUMA TEAM: ANTARCTICA ~~~~Yesterday our excellent physician, Dr. Shawn Vainio, MD, demonstrated proper techniques for stitching wounds, and then we got to practice sewing up wounds inflicted upon a nice piece of mahi mahi. It was fascinating, and another thing that will help out for nursing school.
- LOST is still one of the best shows EVER, at least here at Palmer Station.
- I have been asked and have agreed to stay here until October. I thought that I would be leaving on the first boat, which arrives approximately 17 September, but I was asked to stay on to help. My contract runs through October anyway.
- So. I'll be here, (there,) and (everywhere) until I re-deploy.

Hey Dave,
What are your plans after October?
And a big "hello" to Red!
Hi TE,
Going to live in the Bay Area, be with Gwen, and find a school for nursing. How are you? How much longer till you're out of school?
Red definitely gives you a big hug. That's what he does.
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