I haven't posted much lately (read: not at all) as I've been a bit preoccupied with job searches and wedding related activities, but I'm happy to report that I started work last week at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. I'm supervising the pathology lab at the California campus, and learning the ropes. This is work that I've done before, and working at a complex and important (not to mention private and non-profit!) hospital is work that I find very meaningful and gratifying. However, it's going to seriously cut into my fishing time, pictured here on the Merced river in Yosemite a couple of weeks ago.
I volunteered today aboard the R/V Robert Brownlee, the vessel that the Marine Science Institute uses to gather fish and teach students about marine science. I helped measure and identify fish (flounders, sardines, and a couple of tiger sharks), and had a great day on the Bay.
Anyway, somehow it appears inevitable that I spent a good chunk of time working in Antarctica, even though my first time going there was random at best. In 1992, when I was working in Oakland/Alameda at the Naval Supply Center/Naval Air Station Alameda for Laidlaw Corp. as a field chemist, one morning at 0730 my manager walked into my office and asked me, "So, Dave, you want to go to Antarctica?" Looking up from my desk stacked with paperwork (after not enough coffee) I hazily replied, "Of course, I'd love to work in Alaska. What's going on up there?"
"No, Dave, South Pole. We're bidding on a contract there..."
More later, Dave
PS: Of course, I accepted the offer and began my career in the USAP.
You never know what's gonna be in the news these days.
Mark Furnish is an old friend (and yes, my manager) from way back in the heyday of Hazardous Waste Management: ANTARCTICA. In the video below Mark explains the nuances involved with processing, recycling, and transporting all of the waste from Antarctica (specifically, McMurdo Station/South Pole) back to the CONUS. The bottom line here is that we should all do our best to recycle and reuse all that we can.
Like many of the folks who travel to Antarctica and parts thereabouts, I was lucky to meet Sir Edmund Hillary. He was at McMurdo Station in summer 96/97, and gave a great lecture in the old Galley about what it was like leading a traverse to South Pole and helping to establish the New Zealand station, Scott Base. My one anecdote about Sir Ed is that when I went to greet him after the lecture we shook hands. In my hand I was holding the St. Christopher medal that I've had since third grade, and still wear everyday. This St. Chris has been all over the world with me, and I've sometimes loaned it out to friends to guarantee their safe travels. I also have a Kiwi 5 pound note that he graciously autographed for me. It's not often that you get to meet a living legend such as Sir Ed, and my world is much richer for our brief encounter. He was a great old soul.
Every now and then something happens which reminds you that life is short, and that you need to cherish every moment that you get on this good, green/blue/white Earth. Last night, while driving a friend home from the Cake/Lovemakers concert at the Warfield, Gwen and I were hit by a driver who was looking for street signs while blazing around downtown SF at 40+MPH, running a red light, and auguring into us on the passenger side. We're all OK, but it could have been bad. A foot or more into the intersection and I would have definitely been in the hospital. As it was, our VW Golf had to get towed out of the intersection, and my sis and her beau came to pick us up at the corner of Page and Gough. Finally, we all got home to reflect upon another close call, and with a hearty helping of gratitude, began 2008 with a nice bottle of champagne. The photos here are a reminder to myself of all of the wonderful things that can happen in life.